Jerusalem Rabbinical Court wants woman jailed for refusing to accept divorce – Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

«Jerusalem Rabbinical Court wants woman jailed for refusing to accept divorceWife refuses divorce because of financial dispute threatened with prison sentence if won’t agree to divorce, in unusual rabbinical court case.By Tomer ZarchinTags: Jewish World Jerusalem Jewish law In a rare move, the Jerusalem Rabbinical Court ordered a 59-year-old woman jailed this week for refusing for 15 years to accept a ritual divorce from her husband and release him from their marriage.Disputes over refusals to grant a get, or Jewish religious separation, are common, but usually involve a husband holding back the bill of divorce, making this a rare case»

el Tribunal Rabínico  de Jerusalem ordena prisión para una mujer que rehusa conceder el divorcio. La mujer, que deniega el divorcio por diferencias económicas, ha sido amenazada con una condena a prisión si no acepta el divorcio, en un inusual caso de la corte rabínica.


via Jerusalem Rabbinical Court wants woman jailed for refusing to accept divorce – Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News.

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